Let's say we are going to develop a application for a bank, or any other enterprise, this application need a DB. And we decide to choose Oracle 12c. Then we make a plan:
- Application is for WBBANK, so name is WBBANK
- Application DB is running in a individual PDB
- Application DB has its own tablespace
- There are two users for this DB, one is to administrate objects of the DB (schema), which is used by DBA and other one is to operate the data, which is used by application
Following is details:
1. Create PDB and its DBA user
sqlplus sys as sysdbaCREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDBWBBANK ADMIN USER wbbank_dba IDENTIFIED BY oracle ROLES = (dba) DEFAULT TABLESPACE WBBANK_DEFAULT DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/pdbs/pdbwbbank/wbbank_default.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED STORAGE (MAXSIZE 2G MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE 100M) PATH_PREFIX = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/pdbs/pdbwbbank/' FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/pdbseed/','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/pdbs/pdbwbbank/');
2. Open PDB
alter pluggable database pdbwbbank open;Now you can remote access this pdb with service name, pdbwbbank.
3. Create tablespace
conn wbbank_dba/oracle@pdbwbbankcreate tablespace WBBANK datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/pdbs/pdbwbbank/wbbank01.dbf' size 100M autoextend on next 10M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;
4. Create admin user and app user
create user wbbank_owner identified by oracle default tablespace WBBANK quota unlimited on WBBANK;grant connect to wbbank_owner;grant resource to wbbank_owner;create user wbbank_user identified by oracle default tablespace WBBANK quota unlimited on WBBANK;create role wbbank_user_role;grant create session to wbbank_user_role;grant wbbank_user_role to wbbank_user;
5. Test
conn wbbank_dba/oracle@pdbwbbank-- Create table users in schema wbbank_ownerCREATE TABLE wbbank_owner.users( id number(10) NOT NULL, username varchar2(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password varchar2(50) NOT NULL, create_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT SYSDATE, CONSTRAINT users_pk PRIMARY KEY (id));--Must grant access privileges to wbbank_user or wbbank_user_role, otherwise synonym is uselessgrant all privileges on wbbank_owner.users to wbbank_user_role;--Create private synonym in schema wbbank_usercreate synonym wbbank_user.users for wbbank_owner.users;Try
conn wbbank_user/oracle@pdbwbbankselect * from users;
- wbbank_owner is to manage objects, all objects are created under wbbank_owner. It has RESOURCE role. Please note RESOURCE role doesn't have synonym creation role.
- wbbank_user is only to operate data through synonyms.
- wbbank_dba create synonym and grant privileges to data operator, wbbank_user. It has DBA role, it's DBA of this PDB.